Passion, Purpose, Place, and Possibilities

 There are 3 ways to look at work. There are some who look at their work as a job, some who see it as a career, and others who see it as a calling. A job orientation focuses on the making money to survive. The career orientation focuses on advancements an promotions to save more money over time and eventually retire. The calling orientation sees work as serving others in meaningful ways and pursuing a purpose.

You can pick out these orientations in the following quote, 

"A man will work hard for money, he will work harder for other men, but he will work hardest of all when he is dedicated to a cause."

These 3 perspectives of work exist at all levels of work from entry level to professional. Those who choose to have a calling perspective of work are much more likely to find their work fulfilling and deeply satisfying.

Finding your calling calling in life can best be identified by knowing your SHAPE and then finding a way to serve others professionally. There are 4 areas to consider as you search for your calling.

Passion is more than what gets you excited, it is the combination of your SHAPE. Bringing who you are and your unique gifts to the work you will do each day.
Purpose is where you dedicate yourself to a cause. When you find a problem you are passionate to solve then you can find the purpose or mission of the work.
Place includes the region, state, or city you live in and the specific companies you work for. When you feel like you belong in the organization then you have a sense of place.
Seeing possibilities that you have never thought of before can help you find your passion, purpose, and place. There may be possibilities you are already leaning toward or you might be open to new ideas. The important part is to look for opportunities that are available to you and try stuff to see how it fits.

When you passion, purpose, and place align then you feel a sense of direction and calling. 


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