Informational Interview Guidelines

 Dr Greg Neidert is one of the founders of the WOWI career assessment. Some of his guidelines about Informational Interviews is summarized below. This assignment will included completing at least 2 informational interviews and sharing your experiences in class.

As the information from each interview accumulates, you may decide that, in fact, a career path you thought looked suitable, is not. Such information is essential in helping you avoid potential job mismatches.

If, on the other hand, you find you do like an area you have been investigating, and it seems that it suits you quite well; then certainly you are getting a relatively clear signal to make an earnest effort to pursue this career.

-Dr. Gregory P. Neidert (2009)

Guidelines on obtaining an Information Interview from Dr. Gregory Neidert


·       Never call ahead, go there instead *unless you have a referral

·       Never go on Monday morning or Friday afternoon

·       Go between the hours of 9:00am and 10:00am or 1:30pm-2:00pm

When going to the interview, make sure that you: Dress well, give the individual you are about to interview a firm handshake, and thank the person for taking the time to speak with you. In addition, state again the purpose of the interview and be prepared to clarify the distinction between an information interview and a job interview, if you are requested to do so. Finally, when the individual brings you into her/his office, make sure you sit at a comfortable interper­sonal distance, so that you are poised and feel relaxed.


The Questions

1. What is your job title?

2. What exactly do you do here? What percent of your time do you spend in these tasks?

3. How long have you worked in this field? In this organization?

4. What do you like best about this job?

What makes you want to come to work or look forward to coming to work every day?

5. What do you like least about your job?

What would you like to change about your job if you could?

6. Work style preference and core values questions (generated from your JSI Profile).

7. “

8. “

9. “

10. How much could a person in this field expect to make in 1 year? 5 years?

11. What are some things you might suggest I do to make myself more marketable in this area?


hands on work experience

12. I still have X more interviews to do, I wonder if you know of anyone else in this area that you might be able to suggest that I speak with about their job?

13. May I say that you recommended them to me?

·         Write and deliver a thank you letter


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