The idea of SHAPE comes from Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" (2002)

SHAPE is an acrostic that represents 5 areas of your life that are important to consider in finding your calling in life. These areas are a great way to think about who you are and how you have been shaped for a specific work. Many people talk about their work in terms of "I was made for this". Your career is what you are paid for and your calling is what you were made for. There are 2 great days in life, the day you were born and the day you find out why. In architecture form follows function. Tell me what the building is for and it can be designed for that purpose. With people it is the opposite, function follows form. Once you know your SHAPE, then you will know what work is right for you. SHAPE stands for


Spiritual Gifts includes the talents you are hardwired for. These gifts are things that come easy to you. Your gifts are usually manifest in your younger years. As you think of your childhood, there may be gifts you can discover. Every person has a gift. Other people can tell you what they see as your gifts easier than seeing them in yourself.


Heart equals passion. This includes the things that interest and motivate you. Your heart holds the key to work you will love. Heart is a great starting place for finding what is truly important to you. Your heart can guide you and inspire you to find the right work for you.


Abilities are skills that you have and tasks that you can complete. Basic abilities include intellect, knowledge, understanding and the know how to do things. Each person has 500-800 abilities. Some of your abilities are special to you. You can use the skills you have and add skills and abilities that you will need.


Personality represents your personal delivery system for your talents, gifts, and abilities. Personality includes how you relate to others, your preferred communication, and your preferred environments. 


Experiences you have had can influence your life and your direction. Consider your past, present, positive, and painful experiences. You learn the most through the school of personal experience.


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