
Showing posts from September, 2022

World of Work Inventory

  WOWI® Instructions        Congratulations on deciding to take the World of Work Inventory to determine greater direction for your future education and career plans! You can take the WOWI on any desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone with internet access. This is an assessment tool — there are no 'pass' or 'fail' scores! 6 Minute Introduction Video! We recommend you find a quiet place where you can concentrate and take the WOWI at your own pace. You will want to set aside enough time to complete at least one section. To start the WOWI, click on the “Log In” button at the top right of any page on our website . Log in using the User ID and password you have been given. Take breaks as needed. Simply log back in to continue. Your responses are saved as you go. You will be guided back to the last question where you left off. Follow the on-screen instructions. Do not use a calculator, dictionar

Passion, Purpose, Place, and Possibilities

 There are 3 ways to look at work. There are some who look at their work as a job, some who see it as a career, and others who see it as a calling. A job orientation focuses on the making money to survive. The career orientation focuses on advancements an promotions to save more money over time and eventually retire. The calling orientation sees work as serving others in meaningful ways and pursuing a purpose. You can pick out these orientations in the following quote,  "A man will work hard for money, he will work harder for other men, but he will work hardest of all when he is dedicated to a cause." These 3 perspectives of work exist at all levels of work from entry level to professional. Those who choose to have a calling perspective of work are much more likely to find their work fulfilling and deeply satisfying. Finding your calling calling in life can best be identified by knowing your SHAPE and then finding a way to serve others professionally. There are 4 areas to con


The idea of SHAPE comes from Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" (2002) SHAPE is an acrostic that represents 5 areas of your life that are important to consider in finding your calling in life. These areas are a great way to think about who you are and how you have been shaped for a specific work. Many people talk about their work in terms of "I was made for this". Your career is what you are paid for and your calling is what you were made for. There are 2 great days in life, the day you were born and the day you find out why. In architecture form follows function. Tell me what the building is for and it can be designed for that purpose. With people it is the opposite, function follows form. Once you know your SHAPE, then you will know what work is right for you. SHAPE stands for S Spiritual Gifts includes the talents you are hardwired for. These gifts are things that come easy to you. Your gifts are usually manifest in your younger years. As you think

SPECS Questions

  What questions do you have about careers and college? SPECS Short for spectacles – Short for specifications Significance Why is this relevant? Why is this worth my time? Why is this important? What’s in it for me? Who cares? Perspective What is my point of view? What is your point of view? Could there be another point of view? Evidence How do we know what we know? What proof or evidence do you have? How do you prove it? Connections What is the cause and effect? Do you see any patterns? Has this happened before? Where will this lead? What are the possible consequences? Suppose Could it have been different? What if even just one thing happened differently, what might have changed? 5 Habits of Mind From Deborah Meier “The Power of Their Ideas”