Weekly Videos and Resources

Check here for the videos and resources for each class. Please watch the videos and complete readings or assessments before class on the date listed. Videos and resources will be posted weekly.

September 12th

1. Read blogpost about SPECS

2. Watch this video about finding your why

Before Class September 19th

1. Read blogpost about SHAPE

2. SHAPE Video: Think about your childhood memories as you watch this video about Clint Pulver

3. Complete the 16 personalities test

4. Send an email to garrettnilsson@gmail.com with your 5 letter personality code by Friday, September 16th at 5:00PM.

September 26th

1. Read blogpost about Passion, Purpose, Place, and Possibilities

2. Optional Reading: Job, Career, Calling: Key to happiness and meaning at work

3. ZOOKEEPER Video: Make a list of passion, purpose, and place as you listen to these zookeepers from Cheyanne Mountain Zoo.

4. World of Work Inventory Video: You will be taking the WOWI assessment in the next few weeks. This video explains the background and design of this assessment. 

October 3rd

1. Review instructions for the WOWI Career Assessment here

2. Login with the account provided in class and follow the instructions on screen to complete all sections of the assessment. If you misplace your login credential email garrettnilsson@gmail.com.

3. When you click submit your results and report will be sent to your instructor. A copy of your report will be provided in class on October 3rd.

October 10th

1. Read Blogpost about Idaho Colleges and Universities here

2. Watch this video about College and Career Readiness

3. Review your WOWI career recommendations list and click on the compass, video, and star icons for more information about these occupations. 

October 17th

1. Read Blogpost about Informational Interview Guidelines 

2.Watch Networking Reframe video from Stanford Life Design Lab

3. Watch Informational Interview video from Stanford Life Design Lab

October 24th

1. Complete one informational interview with someone you know and are comfortable with (parent, aunt, uncle, friend). They do not have to be working in a career you are interested in. Ask 8-10 questions from the blog and handout from class.

2. Start networking to find someone to interview who does work in a field you are interested in.

3. We will be starting the Who You Are Matters game in class

October 31st

1. Watch Vocation 101 video to discover the root of finding your calling in life

2. We will finish the Who You Are Matters game and complete a clarification sketch in class. As you think about others in the class, ponder about what advice, encouragement, or feedback you would give them in his/her career, education, and life goals.

3. Find someone to do an informational interview with who is working in an area you are interested in. We will share a report of our interview on November 7th.

4. Take the Values in Action Survey. We will review this on November 14th but you can start on it now.

November 7th

1. Watch Vocation 201 video to discover your purpose and calling in life.

2. Prepare to share about your informational interview experience with a small group in class.

  • How did you find the person you interviewed?
  • Who did you interview and what is his/her profession?
  • What did you learn?
  • Are you more or less likely to pursue this career?
  • Answer questions from your group

3. Search for and watch some video informational interviews on Candid Career through the Career Center at ISU. Click on Job video library and then click on explore by industry to find interviews to watch. watch at least 2 interviews.

November 14th

1. Take the Values in Action Survey. and bring your top 5 values/strengths to class.

2. We will have a few more informational interview reports from those who are ready. The remainder will be on November 28th.

3. Here is the format for the reports

  • How did you find the person you interviewed?
  • Who did you interview and what is his/her profession?
  • What did you learn?(summarize your experience, questions you asked and the answers)
  • Are you more or less likely to pursue this career?
  • Answer questions from your group
    • What are the advantages of going into this career?
    • What are the disadvantages of going into this career?
    • What was the most interesting thing you learned about this career from your interview?
    • After learning more about this career, how do you feel it fits with your purpose and what you find meaningful?
    • What is your main take away (personal or otherwise) from this experience of doing an informational interview?
    • Based on the information you have gathered; will you continue to explore this as a potential career option? Why or why not?
    • If you were to recommend doing an informational interview to a friend what advice would you give them based on your experience?

November 21st

No class due to thanksgiving week. Have a happy holiday!

November 28th

1. prepare for any remaining informational interview reports 

December 5th

1. class time will be adapted and shortened for the Compass Showcase. We will meet from 2:40-3:20PM.

2. We would like to have a few class members share any college and career goals they have along with with what they enjoyed about the class at the showcase.


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